LDM2 Lamp Driver Modules

LDM2-32, LDM2-60
The LDM2-32/LDM2-60 Series lamp driver modules, when combined with a custom graphic display, provide annunciation and control for the NOTIFIER INSPIRE™ Series intelligent fire alarm control panels and the Network control display NCD.


The LDM2-60, which has 60 outputs and 21 inputs (one preconfigured for lamp test), and the LDM2-32, which has 32 outputs and 10 inputs(one preconfigured for lamp test). LDM2-32 is designed to support retrofits such that output connectors, power, security key switch and lamp test connectors are all pin for pin compatible with legacy LDM-32.

Communication between the FACP or NCD and these panel modules is accomplished over a power-limited, two-wire serial interface called the AIO Bus and can be connected to either the main or local bus on the module. These modules use a serial communication interface, and may be located up to 6,000 feet from the panel

Power for the LDM2-32/60 is provided via a separate power-limited power loop from the control panel or an external power supply which is inherently supervised by these modules (loss of power results in an annunciator communication failure at the control panel). 

The N16 FACP or the NCD supports a maximum of 80 LDM2-32/60 per node. Up to 10 LDM2-32/60s can be configured as routers with each router supporting up to15 LDM2-32/60 peripheral modules

The LDM2-32/60 modules mount on four standoffs inside the custom annunciator graphic box. Alternately, the modules are also designed to mount in standard option module positions on a variety of chassis compatible with cabinet series CAB-5 and CAB-4, or on the back wall of ABB-1, ABB-2, and NBB-2 behind door-mounted equipment.

Features & Benefits:

  • Each lamp/LED output may be programmed to display a local or network
    • Event condition (i.e. fire, CO, supervisory, etc.)
    • Activation, Trouble or Disable status of a point (i.e. detector, module, PAM, Speaker, BELL circuits)
    • Activation, Trouble or Disable status of a zone (general zone, logic zone, special function zone)
    • Releasing zone states
  • Onboard inputs may be programmed to ACK, Signal Silence or Reset a node, initiate Drill, Control or Disable a module, zone, PAM point or bell circuit
  • The external switch inputs can be set up to be momentary ( push button) or toggle 
  • Integral piezo sounds for each new alarm or trouble and is silenced with the Local Acknowledge switch, or may permanently disabled with a dip switch selection. It also offers the option of an external piezo.
  • LDM2-32/60 may be configured to be a router or peripheral. N16 panel or NCD supports up to 80 LDM2-32/60. Up to 10 LDM2-32/60s can be configured as routers with each router supporting up to15 LDM2-32/60 peripheral modules 
  • Customizable 80 character Primary label
  • Preconfigured inputs for lamp test
  • Alarm and trouble resound with flash for new conditions
  • Local or External piezo for both alarm/circuit-on and trouble conditions with silence/acknowledge switch connection
  • Power Limited two-wire Serial RS-485 interface for reduced installation costs
  • Plug-in terminal blocks for ease of installation and service
  • The LDM2-60/32 has on-board LED indicators that display power, trouble, test and transmit and receive on both the Main and Local AIO bus


  • May be powered by 24 VDC from the panel or by remote power supplies.
  • Microprocessor-controlled electronics, fully supervised
  • Uses a serial interface and may be located at distances of up to 6,000 feet (1,828.8 meters) from the panel

Listings and Approvals:

  • UL Listed: S635
  • FM approved: FM23FPUS0095
  • CSFM: 7165-0028:0516
  • City of Chicago approved: Class1, Class 2
  • FDNY COA#001761
  • Certified for Seismic applications in accordance with IBC 2024: VMA-45894-01C
  • OSHPD Approved : OSP-0072


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