1. News
  2. Seamless Integration to VESDA E-Series
Released: 08/28/2017

Seamless Integration to VESDA E-Series

Directly connect the latest innovations in advanced detection to NOTIFIER systems. NOTIFIER is pleased to announce the latest update to the NOTIFIER High Level Interface, VESDA-HLI-GW. With the ability to have VESDA-E series of aspirating smoke detectors directly exchange information with NOTIFIER’s ONYX® series fire alarm panels, this update offers easy, cost effective solutions.

The latest advanced detection technology

  • The VESDA-E VEP provides improved operational efficiencies, by enabling field deployable VESDA analytics, allowing identification of overheating PVC wire, diesel engine exhaust or dust particles
  • Supporting individual sampling point alarm annunciation for the new VESDA-E VEA addressable detector directly on NOTIFIER control panels
  • Active sampling, automated self-supervision and sampling point cleaning with the VEA detectors
  • Backwards compatible with the VESDA VLP, the VESDA VEP provides increased functionality, extended flexibly and greater coverage in high airflow environments

VESDA-HLI-GW is the ideal solution for medium to large-scale systems, accommodating up to 100 VESDA detectors on a single VESDAnet network. SLC-IM combined with HLI is optimized for small to medium installations, monitoring up to 22 VESDA detectors with direct connection on the NOTIFIER fire panel SLC loop.

Along with NOTIFIER systems, this integration to the VESDA-E series provides a fully connected solution which can be tailored to any size project!
